March 6, 2025

TroysArt: A New Beginning

TroysArt: A New Beginning

photo ©Luciano de Polo (stokkete)

I’m always surprised when I run into someone in public and I’m asked, “Whatever happened to TroysArt?”

In the not too distant past I was a regular at art openings and museum parties. And I’d often invite friends to join me. Unfortunately the request was usually met with insecurity. And I didn’t understand how anyone could object to free drinks and a hip new crowd. Eventually I came to realize that even though there was no quiz at the end, people were insecure in a fine art environment.

That is how TroysArt was born. I wanted to convey that the old adage “I don’t know much about art but I know what I like” is all anyone really needed to know, and more. I ventured to break down the old gallery stereotype of stiff-jawed aristocrats with monocles judging those around them for not understanding the true meaning of any particular painting or for not knowing the difference between Pre-Raphaelites and Fauvists (big difference, by the way).

TroysArt sought to break down like what to expect from an exhibit, pertinent points about the artist and his medium, why I like or dislike it, the cost of the art, and the location. I was soon surprised by TroysArt’s popularity. And while TroysArt was also at times a vehicle to feature my own artwork, I think my articles helped publicize other artists exponentially more than they ever did for me!

For years I toyed with the idea of resurrecting TroysArt into blog format. So this is it—a forum for discussions about things I find interesting in the world around me, not just art and design.