March 31, 2025

Content Tagged "#mayfly"

An art and camping story: a disturbing homage to Courbet’s Origin of the World.

Origin of the World by Gustave Courbet, public domain.

This page contains language and images that some people may find offensive. This is an art and camping story: a disturbing homage to Courbet’s Origin of the World.   Martin Dies Jr. State Park is a 705-acre area on the northern edge of the Big Thicket, on the bank of the B.A. Steinhagen Reservoir, where the Angelina and Neches Rivers meet. Established in 1965, the forested park is home to loblolly, longleaf, and shortleaf pines, along with an abundance of water oak, red oak, sweet gum, and magnolias plus bald cypress trees in wetland areas. A couple years ago I …continue reading