The Best Friends Brunch, Delta Dawn’s big day!
: Lifestyle, TroysArt : Written by Troy Broussard : 02-27-2015

Most English Springer Spaniels are at home running through a grassy meadow or trudging through the marsh. But after Delta Dawn‘s big day at the aniMeals Best Friends Brunch I realize that her ideal habitat is a luxury hotel. I wrote a post a month back about the aniMeals Best Friends Brunch (Kick-off party for Best Friends Brunch – The Best Friends Brunch benefited aniMeals on Wheels, a division of Interfaith Ministries Meals on Wheels program. I found out about the charity through my friends, sisters Kristy Phillips and Wendy Phillips who, with Teena Davis, served as brunch co-chairs. The program was …continue reading