March 31, 2025

Little Boxes by artist Bob Briddick

Not a Peep Out of Little Bo by Bob Briddick, photo courtesy of D.M. Allison Gallery, Houston

Not a Peep Out of Little Bo by Bob Briddick, photo courtesy of D.M. Allison Gallery, Houston

Opening this weekend on Gallery Row in Houston is an exhibit called Little Boxes by artist Bob Briddick.

I’ve known Bob for 25 years and did not realize that he did artwork until I ran into him at a cocktail party a year ago. Low and behold, all the years that I knew him he had been quietly perfecting his craft of collage.

Apparently he has made hundreds of collages in his spare time, never really intending to show his efforts in the form of an exhibition. But since retiring from the decorative trade he has devoted more time to his secret passion.

Memories of Versailles by Bob Briddick, photo courtesy of D.M. Allison Gallery, Houston

Memories of Versailles by Bob Briddick, photo courtesy of D.M. Allison Gallery, Houston

In his 40 years at various showrooms Bob worked with interior designers, architects, and artists purveying luxury wares for their projects. This experience appears in his work. His astute eye for quality and detail, infused also with his sense of humor, are evident in each piece.

Dan Allison, owner of D.M. Allison Gallery was gracious enough to let me preview Bob’s exhibit. He was excited to show me not only the boxes but also a stack of 2-diminsional collages done over the years. It was hard to pick a favorite but I’ve included a few pictures. And whether a collector or a casual arts patron, the pieces are well priced—the one I liked most was about $375.

Find the opening night reception Saturday, November 8th, at D.M. Allison Gallery at 2709 Colquitt in Houston from 6 to 8. The exhibit hangs through the end of the month…

D M Allison Gallery – “Little Boxes” by Robert Briddick