February 22, 2025

Dog on Monday: Jinxie

It's Jinx!

It’s Jinx!

Honestly, what dog doesn’t like clean laundry, or a super warm down comforter?  This week’s Dog on Monday is Jinxie.  This spunky little mixed breed is spoiled with her clean laundry in all of her three houses across the South.

“Jinx” denotes a popular superstition as a curse or bad luck.  But it was no bad luck when this pup found two gorgeous women who took her into their family.

Jinxie’s people are archeologist Tigger Schexnayder and Oscar nominated sound mixer Pud Cusack of Houston, Marfa, and New Orleans.  This spunky little spitfire is only two years old and a more seasoned traveler than most people we know!

Tray tables down and dog under the seat, we’re cleared for landing…

Thanks to Tigger for such a cute pic.  TroysArt loves the way that Jinx’s ear is pricked!