March 26, 2025

Dog on Monday: Addie

Addie is a 4-year-old English Springer Spaniel

Addie is a 4-year-old English Springer Spaniel

Today’s Dog on Monday is an English Springer Spaniel named Addie.  Addie will be 4 years-old on May 27th.  She’s an active dog who likes to run but she also loves to sleep as much as possible.

Jenah & Addie

Jenah & Addie, photo by Thousand Words

Addie’s person is Jenah Darbonne of Jennings, Louisiana.

Addie has beautiful field-bred Springer markings–covered head-to-toe with ticking or freckles.  She also has a full thick coat of fur which Jenah keeps in check with frequent grooming, as evidence by the pic above.

What else makes Addie so special?  She’s not only a sweet and beautiful dog, she’s also Delta Dawn‘s mother!

Thanks to Jenah for the fun photographs…