March 26, 2025

Photo Friday

Photo Friday: Roxanne Lasage

Bayou Nezpique by Roxanne LeGros Lasage.

Once again the TroysArt Photo Friday featured pic comes by way of Roxanne LeGros Lasage of Jennings, Louisiana.  Roxi is an avid outdoorsman, amateur photographer, and animal lover–readers might recall her beautiful mallard drake featured back in March (TroysArt – Roxanne LeGros Lasage).  Today’s beautiful snap occurred on Bayou Nezpique! Thanks for another great photograph, Roxi!  

Photo Friday: Heywood Building by Samuel Gladden

The ruins of the Heywood Building, Jennings, LA, by Samuel Gladden.

The other evening I called my father in Jennings; he was grumpy because a terrible storm was moving through Louisiana and knocked his cable out.  That very storm also brought down a landmark.  Today’s Photo Friday feature depicts the ruins of the Heywood Building, courtesy of Samuel Gladden. Yes, the very same Heywood Building featured just a few weeks ago (TroysArt – The Heywood Building: painting a Louisiana landmark). “Here is the beautiful but sadly soon-to-be-demolished Heywood Building in Jennings, Louisiana,” he lamented on social media.  “It’s sad to see unique buildings go.” Dr. Gladden is an author and Associate Dean for …continue reading

Photo Friday: Dianne & Evan McAdams

Sunset View from the Porch by Dianne & Evan

Today’s Photo Friday feature is by Dianne McAdams and her son Evan.  “Sunset View from the Porch” was taken in Costa Rica where they stayed for almost a week. It really looks beautiful!  I bet they had a blast.  Thanks for the picture Dianne and Evan.

Photo Friday: Munsterman

The old Munsterman Farm, Iatan, Missouri, by Kevin Munsterman

  Today’s feature photo, the old Munsterman Farm in Iatan, Missouri, comes from artist Kevin Munsterman–aka Mevin Kunsterman.  Though Munsterman is primarily known for his innovative contemporary paintings, I have come to realize that he’s also quite the photographer. Of today’s pic the artist says that it is the four room house where his grandparents, Ada and John, raised five children (Tommy, Bubby George, John, Newton, and Carol). “This was such a vibrant place to visit,” Munsterman says.  “Grandpa John would sit in the porch swing and roll his own cigarettes.  Grandma Ada would be cooking in the kitchen, planting flowers, …continue reading

Photo Friday: Roxanne LeGros Lasage

Mallard Drake by Roxanne LeGros Lasage, Jennings, LA

Some people have no intention of creating art when they’re out and about, enjoying their day.  That is one of the great things about a feature photograph on Friday–it often celebrates the unintended artist.  Today’s Photo Friday pic is by Jennings native Roxanne LeGros Lasage.  Taken this week at the Jennings 1-10 Park, Roxi says of her inspiration, “The sun was shining on that duck’s beautiful green head.” Thanks for the photo, Roxi!

Photo Friday: Erin Glover-Arathoon

Sandia Mountains, NM, by Erin Glover-Arathoon.

Today’s wintery pic for Photo Friday is courtesy of Erin Glover-Arathoon of Albuquerque, New Mexico–though originally from Jennings, Louisiana.  She recently shot this surreal, silvery forestscape while hiking in the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque.  Snapped on her cell phone, the scene is exactly as it appeared to her without any photo manipulation.  Amazing isn’t it?  Thanks for the photograph, Erin!

Photo Friday: John Sherman

Tolerance by John Sherman, Houston

A big appreciative shout out to photographer John Sherman who submitted several wonderful pictures which has been a great resource for Photo Friday! Photo Friday was conceived as a recurring vehicle to spotlight photographers as well as to simplify my own life…  whether a professional or just occasional shutterbug, if you would like to be featured by TroysArt use the contact tab to submit your information!