March 26, 2025

Author: Troy Broussard

Troy Broussard is a designer, artist, & writer living in Houston, Texas.

Recent Articles

Philadelphia’s Powel House, the place General Washington danced.

“The place General Washington danced” is the rallying cry that kept the Powel House from demolition.

The Powel House on Society Hill near the Delaware River is considered one of the finest examples of Georgian architecture in the United States.  Built in 1765, it stands witness to over 250-years of history as a center for political elites.  “The place General Washington danced” is the rallying cry that kept the Powel House from demolition.  I am traveling with my companion Angel.  I drag him around to this kind of cultural landmark when I can, even if I must prop him up with a stiff drink. During the American Revolution, Samuel and Elizabeth Powel were known to be …continue reading

The Art of Christmas Cards and Christmas Card Etiquette

2024 Christmas Card, color pencil drawing.

Is the tradition of sending Christmas cards lost or passe’? In an age of emails, texts, and the US Postal Service hemorrhaging $11 Billion in 2024, is snail mail a forgotten tradition?  Researching the dos and don’ts of Christmas Cards is tricky.  There is not enough written about sending cards.  And often what is said is antiquated.  This post explores the art of Christmas Cards and Christmas Card etiquette.  I make my own cards and have for decades.  There were years when I would hand paint or draw every one of them.  In recent years I have made the image, …continue reading

The Thirty Day Diet Challenge: losing weight with healthy choices.

At restaurants stick to salads. (Monarch, Galveston.)

  The Thirty Day Diet Challenge       No bread, pasta, or wheat products.       No fast food.       No fried foods.       No snacks or chips.       No sweets, candy, or dessert.     Diets are tough.  Fitness gurus advise against diets and rather advocate healthy lifestyle choices.  That’s well and good but sometimes body fat gets the better of people.  It’s easy to gain weight and tough to shed it.  Follow the Thirty Day Diet Challenge with me and see how we do.       June 18:  183.6 / 25.6  The scale can’t lie.  Weigh daily …continue reading

How to start a new sketchbook; page one, the Frontispiece.

The first drawing of a new sketchbook can be as intimidating as that first brushstroke on a fresh white canvas. Yes, you’ve got to start somewhere but if you spoil the first page it sets a disappointing tone for the whole book. In my early years of sketching, I would just open a page and draw on any blank page, Helter Skelter like a maniac. Perhaps I was too intimidated by my skills to start at the first page.  But around 2006 I began creating a distinct first page.  And since then, I have created an interesting collection that signals …continue reading

TroysArt’s 10 great gift ideas for him!

2023 Christmas

At a birthday party last month at a club a few blocks from a friend’s home, I asked how we would carry all the gifts back at the end of the night. She asked what kind of gifts people would bring a sixty-year-old woman. To which I answered wine and Yankee Candles, of course.  At a certain point, people become impossible to buy for.  And gifts can become predictable or mundane. A grown-ass man just goes out and buys what he not only needs but wants. So what do you buy for the man who has everything? Guys don’t  wear …continue reading

CAUTION: Anatomical drawings and the line between art and pornography.

These are wieners, and I recently shared a drawing on social media that caused a bit of a ruckus.  The sketch is explicit, and I awoke to a smorgasbord of texts, comments, adoration, and jeers.  The experience led me to consider the difference between acceptable and taboo content.  Supreme Court Justice Potter Steward famously wrote, regarding the obscenity case of Jacobellis v. Ohio, that pornography is hard to define, but “I know it when I see it.”  It’s a brilliant, concise, vague, and memorable statement.  And it allows for indefinite societal interpretation.  Unfortunately, the precise interpretation is left to us, and …continue reading

An art and camping story: a disturbing homage to Courbet’s Origin of the World.

Origin of the World by Gustave Courbet, public domain.

This page contains language and images that some people may find offensive. This is an art and camping story: a disturbing homage to Courbet’s Origin of the World.   Martin Dies Jr. State Park is a 705-acre area on the northern edge of the Big Thicket, on the bank of the B.A. Steinhagen Reservoir, where the Angelina and Neches Rivers meet. Established in 1965, the forested park is home to loblolly, longleaf, and shortleaf pines, along with an abundance of water oak, red oak, sweet gum, and magnolias plus bald cypress trees in wetland areas. A couple years ago I …continue reading

TroysArt list of history’s 10 Most Shocking Paintings, and why.

Torso Series (Victor Hugo), Warhol, public domain.

How can a painting shock the viewer? How can anyone be scandalized by a picture hanging on a gallery wall? The answers cannot be strictly based on nudity–artists have painted and sculpted nudes for thousands of years and, academically, every artist begins with a nude model. Art becomes controversial when it challenges the viewer’s expectations. Considering controversial art through the ages, I have composed the TroysArt list of history’s 10 most shocking paintings.   Olympia, 1863, by Edouard Manet One of the world’s best and most beloved paintings, Edouard Manet’s Olympia caused the biggest art scandal of the 19th Century. …continue reading

The STURDY Act, Betty Washington, and another American blue dress mystery.

Portrait of Betty Washington Lewis, 1750, by John Wollaston the Younger, Mount Vernon Ladies Association, public domain.

One of the topics in a recent morning meeting was the implementation of the STURDY Act.  So what is this new law that no one has every heard of?  The Stop Tip-overs of Unstable Risky Dressers on Youth Act mandates new guidelines and restrictions on the furniture industry to prevent top heavy casegoods from killing people.  Colleagues sat aghast that Congress has nothing better on which to be working but to screw over our livelyhoods. “This must be a knee-jerk reaction to the death of George Washington’s sister,” I commented.  “She was killed while rooting around in a highboy for …continue reading

The League-Kempner Mansion in Galveston is endangered without its determined new savior

The League-Kempner House represents the last great house of the Broadway Castle District designed by Nicholas Clayton.

One of the most intriguing houses in Texas is, until recently, one of the most endangered.  The last of Galveston’s privately owned Gilded Age homes, the League-Kempner Mansion is in danger of loss without its determined new savior.  At 1710 Broadway, the home was built by Galveston aristocracy John Charles League and Nellie Ball in 1893.  It represents the last great house of the Broadway Castle District designed by Nicholas Clayton, architect of the Bishop’s Palace.  Following League’s death in 1916, matriarch of the Kempner family Eliza Seinsheimer Kempner acquired the home.  Eliza employed Houston architect to the oil barons …continue reading